game-1.txt The Dinner "Welcome Madam Kriss, we are very happy to see you, please take your seat here next to me at the place of honor. It is going to be an honor to have you succeed me as the Chairman." "Thank you, Klux. Its been a interesting twenty years since I first heard of the Game and became one of the players. It's sort of amusing when I think back of my experiences and all the close friends I've made here." I look about the large room. It is modeled on an Medieval refectory, with natural stone walls, rough plastered allowing the underlying stones show through in places. The ceiling, twenty feet above us is beamed and ornately carved. The floor is well worn polished stone. The room is lit only by candlelight, casting long dark shadows on the walls and floor, dark iron sconces on the wall and gilt bronze candelabra on the table. The long Seventeen Century refectory table is surrounded by twenty carved Dante chairs covered in rich dark blue velvet. If I didn't know that it was located in one of the warehouse that we use to stage many of our plays, I would think that I was having dinner in a Seventeenth Century castle or manor house. Except for the people, none of who were in period apparel. Most were dressed in black tie or in case of the women in long gowns. I was wearing a silk brocade designer gown, that had been devised to show off my still magnificent body to its best advantage. It has a deep scoop neckline that exposes my deep cleavage and my breasts, stopping just short of my pink aureolas. The waist is very tight to show off my small narrow waist and the contrast between it and my enormous tits and wide hips. The skirt was a cross over that opened up to the waist. A small hook prevented it opening past my thighs when I wore it on the street. As soon as I entered the dinning room, I unsnapped the hook so that it could open it from the waist down and completely bear my legs and cunt. I had been at Board Dinners before. Their was always a few mouth slaves under the table to turn on the members of the Board during the dinner and the speeches. It certainty prevented any boredom. The servants were of course, completely nude as were the body slaves that had accompanied each Board member. My body slave Janet, knelt behind my chair, naked, her body devoid of all its hair. Her legs were wide open, her back erect, thrusting her immense breasts out above her elongated and taut waist. A large gold ring dangled from the base each of her long thick erect nipples. Her long hair was pulled back and up into a wide gold ring at the top of her head. The resulting top knot descended to the center of her muscular back. I had forbidden her to have it cut or trimmed since I had acquired her eight years ago. I looked back at her and smiled, she was so beautiful and lithe. I thought of our two children and became missy eyed for a moment. It had been a wonderful twenty five years. It all started with the "Nine Steps". I was 19 when I first came out to California from Iowa. My reasons were simple, I moved to San Francisco because I couldn't take Des Moines any longer. Even today, there's not a whole lot a gay kid can do in Iowa. I figured, I'm pretty good looking, midnight black hair, smouldering hazel-green eyes, small delicate features, some say my face resembled Rebcca DeMorey. My body had and still have a smooth swimmers build with large firm tits, a tight ass, slim long waist and long legs. Most of the boys in school thought I was the ultimate sex object. But boys were not my thing. In fact, in high school I was Captain of the girl's swim team. What a great way to see lean and hard girl's bodies, especially in the showers and locker room. I had only two lesbian experiences in Des Moines and both were sort of sleazy, besides my fantasies were a little strong for the girls of Iowa. Anyway, I thought I'd do better in the Gay Capitol of the world, at least I could probably find someone with similar yearnings and desires. I got a job working in a large private investment bank as a trainee. I'd been there about a month and had begun to make friends with the other guys and girls in the various departments. They knew I was gay, as I didn't hide my proclivities. Thank God for San Francisco. One afternoon the boss, who I thought might be a dyke, because of the severity of her demeanor and dress, walked by my desk, dropped a business card on my desk and told me she thought I'd be interested. The black card read in blood red print, "GAMES - The Ultimate Experience" and gave a phone number. I put it in my blouse pocket and didn't think much about it for the rest of the day. When I got home that night, as I did every night, I stripped to do my exercises. The card fell out of my blouse pocket and I picked it up and put it on my dresser. I stepped in front of the full length mirror on my bedroom door and dropped down to do some push-ups. Like I said, I like the way I look, and I like to watch myself during my exercises. After twenty, I stood up and began doing some trunk twists. Watching my firm and very large breasts, the underling muscles of my chest and my solid stomach move and twist was exciting. I stopped and began to pinch first one and then the other light rose nipple until they were dark and stiffly sticking out almost an inch. I had spent some time in one of those tanning studios, so my body was a uniform light honey brown with no strap marks anywhere. I rubbed my hand down the taut muscles of my abdomen, through my dark pubic hair and cupped my cunt. By this time my clit was hard, erect and peaking out between my plump cunt lips. I could feel it against the heel of my hand as I cupped my pussy and let my forefinger spread my lips and penetrate my now slick vagina. I pressed against my cunt with my palm while I continued to finger myself for a few minutes. Finally, I turned away from the mirror and went to the dresser, opened the top drawer and took out one of the leather straps I kept there. I stepped back in front of the mirror. I tied one end of the strap around my left wrist, pulled it behind my back and looped it around my neck, and held on to the end with my left hand. I repositioned myself so that it appeared that my right arm and hand were someone else's, out of view. My mind raced with the fantasy I was building. I was a prisoner, stripped, bound and being inspected by my captor. My right hand tweaked my nipples, pulled on my clit and slapped my pussy. In my mind I heard my captor's voice. "Ok, she'll do, let's start the torture. We make her tell us all and then use her body. Or maybe will keep her a sex slave." I pulled roughly on my pussy lips and a sharp pain shot down my legs and up my belly. My cunt was oozing. In my mind I was taken into a dungeon; hung suspended and spread-eagled, my breasts flattened on my stretched torso, my cunt wide open and ready for my captors to use. My right hand rubbed the dripping pussy juice over the head of my clit and up and down my slit. In my fantasy my torturers started to approach me, carrying whips and other implements of torment. I drew a deep breath as my cunt shuddered, quivered and ribbon after ribbon of sticky fluid dripped out and ran down the insides of my firm muscular thighs. I let go of the strap and stood there, breathing deeply. I removed the strap from my wrist and put it back in the dresser. While I was still hot, I went in and showered. In shower I let the warm water flood over my body as I took an oval bar of sweet smelling soap suspended on a rope, from the cold water handle, and ran it up and down my silt until my pussy was covered with a thick white foam. I then pressed the soap against my slit until it pushed my labia aside and was swallowed by my hungry cunt. I pushed it in with my fingers and then using the rope pulled in and out until I was ready to cum. I finally popped it all the way out past my swollen lips. I took a thick soft brush handle in my right hand and worked in back and forth in my creaming hole while my left cupped and rubbed my hardened breasts until I finally came. After three or four organism, I leaned weakly against the wall and let the warm water run over my body until I could stand erect. I took a french shower head, switched it on and flushed out my pussy. Then I switched to cold water and let it cover my body until I was calm and cool. I cupped my hard breasts and raised thick nipples. I loved touching my hard body, I only wished that I had another woman to adore and to adore me. As I began dressing, I noticed the card I had tossed on top of the dresser. There was a phone number to call. I thought a moment, shrugged my shoulders and went over to the telephone. I dialed the number. It rang once and a voice answered. It was a recording. "You have reached Games, Level 1. If you are not interested in sexually explicit material, hang up now. Otherwise, Press 1." I shook my head in disbelief and pressed 1. "You have reached Games, Level 2. If you are straight male, Press 1. If you are gay male, Press 2. If you are a straight female, Press 3. If you are a gay female, Press 4." I pressed 4. You have reached Games, Level 3, following are selections of sex fantasies, Press the number of the fantasy you desire." I shook my head again, wondering at the computer technology at work. The voice droned on; "For a romantic interlude, Press 1. For sex at the health club, Press 2. For S&M, Press 3." My heart jumped at this last entry, and I pushed 3 before the voice could continue. My heart was beating faster as the voice continued. "You have reached Games Level 4. If you do not want a fantasy that becomes reality, hang-up now. Otherwise press the number of the S&M fantasy of your choice. For bondage, Press 1. For spanking, Press 2. For torture, Press 3." My heart was beating really fast by this time. I reached down with one hand and began rubbing my dripping slit. I pressed 3. This is Games Level 5, this is the last level before reality. If you do not want your fantasy to become reality, hang-up now, otherwise press the number of the reality you want to explore. For medieval torture, Press 1. For torture by terrorists, Press 2. For torture by the Inquisition, Press 3. For torture by the SS and Gestapo, Press 4. For torture by Police, Press 5. For torture by the Bikers, Press 6. For torture and enslavement in Rome, Press 7. For torture and enslavement in Old Arabia, Press 8. For torture and enslavement in China, Press 9." The voice continued, but I was no longer listening, my mind was racing with the fantasies described. I pressed 4. "Please leave your phone number at the sound of the tone." A tone sounded and I gave my phone number. There was a click and dial tone. I hung the phone up and went into the kitchen to get myself a drink. Probably all bullshit I thought to myself. As I started to drink the phone rang. My heart skipped a beat. I walked into the living room and picked up the phone. "Is this 897-7888?", a low throaty voice asked. "Yes, "I replied. "Did you just call Games?", the voice asked again. "Yes, I did.", I answered. "Good, be at...", the voice continued describing an address South of Market. I was told to be there at 11:00 that night. Then they hung up. By this time I was shaking with a mixture of fear and excitement. I looked at my watch. It was 8:00. I had three hours to kill. I got my jacket and went out. I stopped at a small diner near where I lived and got a sandwich. Then I hopped a bus for South of Market. I figured I'd kill time by going to a couple of gay bars. As I kept checking my watch, the time seemed to move so slowly. Finally it was 10:30. I left the bar I was in and began walking to the address I had been given. It took about 25 minutes to get there. I found myself in an area of warehouses South of Bryant street. The street was empty. The address was a warehouse that was closed. I stood around and thought it was probably someone's idea of a joke. There were no lights on in the warehouse, or anywhere else on the street. I looked at my watch. It was eleven. I looked up and down the street. It was completely empty. I waited awhile and looked at my watch again. It was Ten after Eleven. I sighed, it probably was a joke I thought to myself. I shrugged my shoulders and started walking back towards the bar I had left earlier. Soon after I had started walking, I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned to see who was following me. My heart jumped, and I sucked in a quick breath. The woman I saw was dressed in a form fitting black dress SS uniform. Going somewhere, bitch?", she asked with a snarl. Before I could answer, someone else, behind me grabbed my arms, pulled then back and pinned them against my back. What the...", I started to shout, as the SS woman quickly came up to me and stuffed a handkerchief in my mouth. I felt handcuffs being closed around my wrists. "She's the one" the SS woman said, nodding to the unknown person behind me. I was spun around to face another woman, this one in a dark belted trenchcoat and soft black fedora. Now the SS woman held my arms. "Your sure?", the trenchcoated woman asked. "I'm sure!", I heard the uniformed woman reply. "Very well,", the woman in front of me said matter of factually. "let's take her in for questioning." I was hustled back to the warehouse. The SS woman produced a key and opened the door. They pushed me through. It was dark and I could see nothing. They continued to manhandle me through the darkness. I heard a door opening, and I was pushed by whoever was guiding me. All of a sudden the lights were on. I blinked at the sudden brightness. As my vision cleared, and I looked around me, my heart began to pound, and my nipples and clit began to harden. I was in a room that looked as I always imaged an interrogation chamber would look. The walls were white painted rough plaster with open beams across the ceiling. From both the wall and the ceiling beams were hung a number of chains and open manacles. There were dark brown stains on both the walls and the floor under the manacles. As I turned my head I saw a St. Andrew's cross at one end of the room. A strong table was in the middle of the room. At the other end were two upright posts embedded in the concrete floor. All of these had chains and shackles attached. The room was lit by bare bulbs the hung from long dark wires. I was turned around by the woman in the trenchcoat. The woman dressed in the SS uniform was standing by another table against the long wall. On that table were whips, clothespins, clamps, and implements whose purpose I could only guess at. "So,", the SS woman began to speak, "you are in the Resistance. Well resistance here will do you no good whatsoever." She smiled, and picked up a small whip. "Here,", she snarled as she hit the whip against the table, "we have ways of getting beyond resistance." "Heddy,", I heard the woman in the trenchcoat speak, "let's not waste time talking. She's not going to cooperate. Let's just strip her and get started." My clit and nipples were fully rigid now. I was breathing heavily, in a mixture of fear and excitement. These were my deepest fantasies coming to reality. "Very well!" the SS woman responded. "Don't think of trying to escape, there is no escape.", she advised. She walked over to me as the other woman released me from the handcuffs. I stood there, silently in shock, as one of my fantasies came to life, while they stripped me of my jacket, blouse, skirt, panties and shoes. In a few minutes I was completely naked. They pushed me over to the two upright posts and began securing my wrists and ankles until I was spread-eagled between the two posts. I felt my legs and wrists pulled apart as they tightened up on the chains until my body was stiff and my muscles stretched. Then they stepped back and looked me up and down. "Not bad." one of them hissed. She walked back over to me and began to rub her hand up and down my jutting breasts, stopping only to twist and pinch my nipples between her strong fingers. I winced as she dug a fingernail into one of my firm teats. She reached out and grabbed my left nipple and pulled sharply. As it stretched and elongated, I took in a sharp breath at the pain that engulfed my breast. When she let it snap back, my nipples and clit became rock hard as I took in a deep breath. "Hmm,", she spoke softly, seeing my nipples fully hard and my clit turn a deeper rose as it started to protrude from my pussy lips, "she likes this." "Yes,", the one in the SS uniform answered, "she seems to, let's see how much torture she can take." They both walked over to the table of implements. The one in the trenchcoat removed the coat and her dark soft hat. I could see that she was strongly built. With massive breasts that budged under her suit coat. "Let's get more comfortable,", she addressed the one in uniform, "this could take all night." Then both women began to take off part of their clothing. They stopped once they had stripped to the waist. The one who had on the trenchcoat was now only wearing a tight long black leather sheath skirt that hugged her hips and shiny black leather boots that disappeared under her skirt. The other was still wearing just her uniform pants tucked into her knee length black dress boots. Both were well muscled. The SS Officer was a little flat chested, more muscled with a ridged stomach laced with hard muscles. She put her hands together in front of her waist and squeezed one hand in the other. Her upper and lower arm swelled with powerful muscles. The Gestapo agent had very large full breasts and was more feminine, but still looked very tough. The one who was still wearing the SS uniform pants picked up a small leather braided quirt and came back towards me. The other sat back against the table to watch. As her skirt fell open, I glimpsed her long slim calf's and her strong thighs. As the skirt opened more I caught a glimpse of her naked furred cunt. She wasn't wearing any panties. "My God,", I thought. "she had a shaved pussy." As the SS officer reached me, she raised the quirt as if to strike. I closed my eyes and grimaced waiting for the blow. She laughed, and let the quirt fall gently against my solid breasts. She moved it slowly up and down my breasts, stopping to tease my nipples. The feel of the leather softly caressing my tits was incredible. I closed my eyes as the quirt slowly made its way down my stomach, softly caressed my pussy lips and forced it way into my slit. My cunt oozed. In an instant my reverie was shattered, and I screamed into the gag as sharp pain exploded along the center of my slit. I opened my eyes with a start, to see her bring the quirt down full force, once again, against my pussy. She continued to whip my cunt for several minutes. Each time the whip hit I bit into the gag. Soon tears streamed down my face. I had fantasized about being tortured, but the reality seemed more than I could bear. But, my clit and nipples stayed hard, and liquid oozed more and more with each successive blow of the whip. Then she stopped and walked back to the table of implements. I sagged in my bindings, breathing deeply. My eyes were closed. My clit felt like it was on fire. I opened my eyes and looked down. Along the my firm stomach and inner thighs there were angry red welts. But the skin had not broken, and I was still excited. "You shouldn't be so gentle" the other woman chided. "Let me show you how its done." With that she picked up a long leather thong and a small package and walked towards me. When she reached me, she set down the package and put her hand against my full breasts. "I like a full chest with nice soft skin." she commented as she rubbed up and down my chest and abdomen. "A full pair not only shows the marks so much better than a flat pair, but they bounce so nice at each blow and it saves us the trouble of pumping them up with either the whip or irritants." Then she reached down and took hold of my erect and protruding clit and pushed it back into my hood. She drove her sharp thumb nail in and twisted. "No, she smiled as I winced at the deep ache that began to envelop my crotch. 'I think we wait for a little later to start on you cunt. Let's see how much your tits can stand." With her hand, she began to wrap the leather thong around the base of my left breast, pulling hard, forcing the leather deep into my flesh and tightening it so that my tit bulged and was forced away from my chest. It felt like she was trying to pull my tit completely off my chest. When about thirty six inches remained of the leather thong, she began to wrap it around first one and then the other of my breasts, separating them. The base of each tit was wrapped for three inches and bulged between the strands. Both the bases were compressed and the rest of my tits were bugling. It felt like someone was putting my tits into a vise. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "There, that should hold them nicely.", she commented coldly. She reached down and picked up the package and opened it. I could see that it was full of long thin sharp pins. My heart began to pound with real fear. Was she going to jab the pins into my breasts? I shook my head to attempt to say no, that this was too much. She only smiled up at me. "Shaking your head no,", she asked with mock surprise, "you should have thought of that earlier. You had your chance not to join the games." She selected a long and sharp pin. Grabbing my right breast between her thumb and forefinger, and holding the pin with her other hand, she began to prick me, slowly at first, and then faster and faster. I began to move my head from side to side as the pain grew. It was as though my tit was on fire. She moved to my left breast and commenced the same effort. The minutes dragged on as she continued to prick first one and then the other breast. I pulled at my restraints, trying somehow to escape the pin. Both of my breasts were soon covered with drops of blood. She smiled and began to break the skin of my aureoles with her pricks until both were red with my blood. She smiled again, looked at her partner and then began to drive the pins deep into my breast until there were a dozen pin heads protruding from my knockers. Then she took a larger and thicker pin, pulled on my still untouched nipple and drove the pin through the base of my nipple until half of it stuck out of my nipple. Then she used an other thick pin to bisect my other nipple. Pain surged from the tip of my nipples to the base of my breasts. The pain started to get to me. I took a deep shuddering breath and started to cum. "None of that." she hissed, as she reached over and grabbed my clit, and began to prick the stem and head of my clit with another pin. I bit into the handkerchief, it felt like my whole crotch was being attacked by ants who were biting me and eating me alive. I looked down to see droplets of blood ooze where the needle pricked the skin. But my clit was still hard. In a few minutes she stopped and stepped back. Again I sagged in my bindings. My juices still continued to ooze from my cunt and run down my inner thighs. "You thought I was gentle" the SS woman laughed, "your practically kissing her clit and breasts with those silly pins. Lets hang her up and try something else." With that, the bitch who had been torturing me, unwound the leather thong from the base of my tits and pulled out the pins in my breasts but left the two piercing my nipples and put away the bloody pins. As the blood began to flow back in to breasts it felt as if two clams were compressing my tits. She then took a bottle of clear fluid, spilled a generous portion into her cupped hand and rubbed it all over my tits. It burned as if they had been set on fire. "We don't want any infection, you have to last a long time." The other one came up and they both untied first my ankles and then my wrists. My arms were twisted behind me as they frog marched me over to the other end of the room. They pulled a chain and padded manacles down from one of the ceiling beams and attached them to my wrists. Then they hauled up on the chains and my arms rose above me. They continued pulling until my toes were barely touching the floor. My entire weight was being held by my arms and wrists. "More." the SS woman ordered. They pulled more until I was hanging free. My feet a foot or more above the floor. "That's better! ", she said approvingly. "Let's swing her a little." With that both women walked over to the table of implements and picked up wide leather covered paddles. They returned and stepped behind me. I drew in a sharp breath as the first swat hit my ass. I swung by my arms from the force of the blow. Another swat hit my ass, and I bit into the gag. Blow after blow the paddles struck my ass and I swung from each hit. "Lets see how high we can make her swing.", I heard one comment. The blows hit more quickly now and with more force. Tears streamed down my face as my ass began to burn. Pain shot down the backs of my legs. "Lets turn her!", one ordered. The blows now were aimed first at my ass, then my back, down my legs. One of them came around to my front and hit my stomach. They walked all around me swatting what ever part of me they fancied, stomach, undersides of my breasts, back, ass, and finally my between my legs. I swung around, backwards, forwards, from side to side as each successive blow hit. Then they stopped and went back to the table. "Lets go get something to drink.", the SS woman suggested. "Ok,", the other agreed and then turning to me said, "don't go anywhere, we'll be right back." and they both began to laugh. "Wait,", the SS woman said as they started to leave, "she looks much to comfortable." With that, she picked up a handful of extra strong spring clothespins and came towards me. She attached one to the tips of each of my nipples, so the jaws bit in just over the pins bisecting my nipples. Then she pinched each of my tits and attached four to each side of my breasts and three to the each of my outer labia. A final one decorated my stiff clit. The jaws of the clothespins bit unmercifully into my tender flesh. "That's better.", she said, and they both left the room. I hung there, my tits, clit and breasts on fire. My ass ached from the beating. My tits were sore. Every time I took a deep breath or move my body, the clothes pins vibrated and bit a little deeper. But my clit never lost its hardness. I shook my head. This was what I dreamed of, but now that it was happening, I wasn't sure I could take it. What had happened had been bad enough. But they weren't through. My mind raced with images of the possible tortures to come. I don't know how long I hung there before they eventually came back. My body was covered with sweat. My hair sticking to my back. "Still here" one chided as they entered the room. "You know," commented the SS woman, "she's smooth, but not smooth enough." "Your right, a slave shouldn't hide anything from her owners." the other responded. She picked up a can and razor and came towards me. She began to remove the clothespins on my pussy lips and clit. As the jaws were released the blood rushed back into the skin, causing more pain. She left the clothespins on my nipples and breasts, which were now just aching. She put the razor down and released some shaving cream from the can, which she then smeared over my pubic hair, my labia majora and the insides of my thighs. She put the can down, and began to shave me. When she had finished my delta, shaving against the grain, she pulled each of my lower lips taut and shaved them. She did my inner upper thighs until I looked like a little girl, except for my large erect clit peaking out of my smooth lips. A few minutes later she stepped away. She reached up and pulled the handkerchief from my mouth and used it to wipe away the remaining shaving cream. Then she took the bottle of clear liquid and thoroughly doused my freshly shaven snatch. Fire engulfed my pussy. I screamed. "That's better," ,she said, " nice and smooth. You won't be needing this anymore either. ,"she commented as she tossed the handkerchief aside. "That's right,", the other added, "its time we enjoyed your moaning and cries of pain." "But,", the one who had just shaved me added as she walked back to the table, "you are to say nothing. If you utter one word, or attempt to plead, it will go even rougher for you. Your mouth is freed to give us pleasure in hearing the effect of our work. It is not free to give you a voice." The woman who had just shaved me returned to the other who was standing by the table of implements. As they spoke quietly, I looked down at my now denuded crotch. The skin around my slit was white as was my delta, in contrast to the brown of my abdomen. My clit, jutting out, looked even larger than it had before. I looked up as the speaking stopped. One of the women picked up a box with a crank handle and two long wires. Both women walked back towards me. "Ever play telephone when you were a kid?", the SS woman asked pleasantly. "If you did, this is little different." "To be sure." the other answered. The wires were about four feet in length and with the box sitting on the floor, I could see that they could reach every part of me. The ends of the wires were bare. "A demonstration" the SS bitch offered, as she set the box on the floor. She began to crank the handle slowly at first, and then faster. As she picked up speed, the other woman touched the bare tips of the wires together and a spark jumped at the connection. My eyes widened in fear. "When I crank it slowly, it tickles, as I crank it faster the tickle becomes a little sharper. Faster still, and the tickle ends up like a burning ember." the SS woman explained. She nodded to the other woman. The woman smiled and then held one wire on one of my new shaved labia and the other wire to the base of my clit. The SS woman began to crank slowly. I could feel a tickle begin at my clit and it traveled to the other wire through my cunt. It was not unpleasant, just strange, like something inside my cunt was scratching gently. She increased the speed and the tickle became at first, a light and then a sharper pain that connected lip to clit. I began to move my head from side to side and moan softly. She increased the speed again and the sharp pain was replaced with sharp burning, as though a hot needle was being driven from my lip into my clitoris. "Ah" I gasped, then bit my lip to prevent any further noise from escaping. Then the pain stopped abruptly as the wires were removed. She moved them to the head and base of my clit. "Ah, Oh, No!" I moaned and hissed as fiery needles attacked my clitoris, and then my labia again and even for a moment my nipples. They played the wires over my lower body causing me to jump and move in my bindings. My cunt started to pulsate as it prepared to cum. This last torture had driven the cream from my hole and I was ready to cum like I had never cum before. They had obviously noticed what was happening, and stopped the electrical torment. One of slammed the edge of her hand between my wide spread legs. Her thumb driving into my slick hole, her fingers bitting into my pussy and the pulsing stopped. "No cumming until we say so" the SS woman snarled. "Olga get me the two cocks. She need to have her holes filled for a minute and she needs to be punished for her outcry.' Olga went over to the table and returned with two slick black dildos. One was six inches long and an inch and a half thick. The other was eight inches long and three inches across. Both were covered with shiny short metal studs. There was a clamp at the base of each one. The SS bitch put one of the wires in to each of the clamps and handed the smaller dildo to the other woman who walked behind me. The SS officer put the head of the dildo in her hand at the junction of my pussy lips, forced the head past them and then rammed it inside me until only the end of the base and wire protruded from my cunt. It hurt as it jammed against the base of my cervix and filled my cunt almost to bursting. The other woman placed the head of the smaller dildo against my opening of my rectum, pulled one of my cheeks apart and pushed it past my sphincter. As soon as the head was in, she drove the rest of it in. I gasped with the sudden pain as my ass hole was filled. When she walked around in front, both women smiled evilly as the SS bitch turned the handle. A jolt of current raced through both my cunt and rectum. My entire body stiffened. I bit my lips until blood dripped down on my heaving breasts. "Now that nice. Look how rigid she is. Still want to cum, dear? No, well then we go on to something else, but remember, you don't cum until we give you permission. And no more talking, or we'll use an automatic shocker on you for an hour. You will obey us or else." With that they jerked the dildos out of me and both women then went back to the table and put down the 'telephone' and its accessories "Let's put her on the table.", the other woman suggested. The SS woman nodded in assent. They came over to me and lowered me to the floor. They lowered my arms and removed the manacles. This time they didn't need to pin my arms behind me. I sagged into their arms and they hustled me over to the table where they lay me down on my back. My arms were raised over my head and my wrists attached to manacles at the end of the table. Likewise, they affixed my ankles. I lay still, spread out, my back resting on the table, my chest heaving from the recent torture and the orgasm that had been frustrated. They tightened up on my bindings stretching me out across the table top. "That should take care of her.", one offered, and they both went back to the table of implements. One returned and removed the clothespins from my nipples and the sides of my tits, only to replace the ones on my nipples with alligator clamps with a chain attached between them. She then pulled down a small chain from a ceiling beam and attached the chain to the middle of the chain between the tit clamps. She pulled up on the chain, and the tit clamps were pulled up and away from my body, pulling my now tender nipples up towards the ceiling. She tied the chain off, leaving my nipples pulled taut and still bisected by the thick pins. "Candle light dinner for two?", the SS woman asked the other. "How romantic.", the other added. The SS woman joined the other, who was still standing beside me. In her hand the SS woman held two large candles. Reaching into the pocket of her trousers she brought out a lighter and lit first one and then the other candle. She handed one of the candles to the other woman, and went around to stand on the other side of me. Both women held the candles high, over me. They looked down at me and smiled, and then gently tipped the candles. As the hot wax hit my breasts it felt like burning raindrops. "Oh" I hissed between clenched teeth at this new torment. They played the candles up and down my chest, lingering to cover each of my nipples, my breasts, the clamps and chain with hot wax. I pulled at my restraints, but to no avail. They filled my belly button with a pool of hot wax. Then they held the candles over my clit and naked pussy lips. Drop after drop of fiery liquid spattered against my cunt lips and clit. In a few moments my entire pussy was coated in hardening wax. It looked as if I was wearing a tiny white bikini. The wax seemed to burn through my shaved pussy until it felt as it was on fire. As it hardened it felt as it my skin was hardening and contracting. "Ah, oh, shit!" I exclaimed. "What!", one of the women exclaimed in mock horror. "Why, you've broken the rules again. Now you'll really be punished." They continued to coat my stomach, upper legs and lower arms with hot droplets of hardening wax. Then they stopped. The other woman blew out both candles and took them back to the table, while the SS woman stayed behind. "So untidy!", she exclaimed, surveying the wax on my body. "Bring me something to clean this scum with." she ordered the other one. The other woman picked up a stiff brush and brought it over to the SS woman. who took it and began to roughly brush the wax off of my body. "Ah, oh, oh!" I moaned loudly as stiff bristles rubbed against tender skin. She held on to the chain and tit clamps as she roughly cleaned the wax away. It felt like my nipples were being rubbed raw and torn. Then she started on my clit and pussy lips. "Ah" I cried as the stiff bristles assaulted my tender clit and sore labia. They ignored my cries and continued until the last of the wax was scrubbed away. Both women left my side and I lay there. My entire body engulfed in pain. This was too much I thought to myself. When will it end. I had never dreamed that real torture would be so harsh. In my fantasies I always came before the real torture started. As I lay there I wondered how many hours had gone by. It seemed like I'd been there for a day or longer. I raised my head and looked down the length of my body. My tits was covered with angry red dots where the wax had hit. My clit, now losing some of its hardness was an angry red. My nipples throbbed. I let my head fall back on the table. "I think she's ready now." I heard one of the women say. "Ok.", the other replied. Both women returned to me and released the bindings and helped me up from the table. They took me over to a padded saw horse and lay me across it, tying my wrists and ankles to the legs of the sawhorse. I was bent over the horse backward, my sore firm breasts hanging down one side, and my legs on the other, the padded cross piece digging into the small of my back. It positioned my cunt at the maximum exposure. My heart sank as I realized that whatever was going to happen next, my pussy was going to be the focus of the torture. Seeing that my clit had grown softer, one of the women reached over and began to gently message the head of my clit. I started to oozed again and she used it as an ointment to rub along the pussy lips and the out side of my slit. My clitoris resumed its earlier hardness. "That's better" she commented, "we need a hard clit for what's coming next." I heard them moving around, but couldn't see what was happening. Soon they appeared at my side. They had both stripped naked and were standing over me with stiff clit and nipples. Both had cream dripping out of the cunts. Both women inner thighs were slick with their secretions. The SS bitch's cunt was devoid of hair and had a large death's head branded directly over her slit. As I had guessed the Gestapo women was devoid of her lower hair, but now as I looked, I could see that she also had a brand in the center of her delta, It depicted a clenched fist. One reached over with one hand and began to pull at the tit clamps, twisting them to cause more pain to my nipples. With her other hand she massaged her slit, working her fingers deep in side and pulling on her clit. Until her cunt streamed with cream. The other woman reached down with one hand to pull on my labia and twist them as her other hand massaged her own clit. "Oh!", I hissed between clenched teeth. I felt something being inserted into the opening of my vagina. But I couldn't see what it was. I heard a scratching sound and then the smell of a match burning. As the first drip of wax dribbled onto the lips of pussy, I realized that they had inserted a short birthday candle into my opening and were allowing the wax to dribble down. They continued to finger fuck themselves off. After a few moments one reached over and removed the candle, tossing it aside. Then taking a small wire whip she began to whip my pussy lips and breasts. "Oh, oh, ah!", I moaned as the fine wires sliced at my shaven pussy lips. At the same time, the other woman pulled and twisted my nipples. As she squeezed my nipples as though to mash them to cream, I felt the heat of my organism building up. "Ah!", I screamed as one grabbed my clit pulled upwards, shuddered and spewed forth a hot ribbon of thick white ooze. "Ah, ah, Oh, Oh!" I moaned as spasm after spasm ripped through my cunt. My breast and nipples hardened as my entire lower body contracted slightly as organism after organism hit. At the same time the SS woman and the other moaned, and while they continued to whip my cunt and twist my nipples, they organism as them straddled my legs and worked off on me. I lay there, chest heaving, my eyes closed. Their hot juices dribbled down legs to drop to the floor below. All I could smell was the nutty fragrance of woman's inner secretions mixed with my own sweat and the sweat of the other two women. I opened my eyes and smiled hesitantly. "Whew!", I uttered. The two women looked down at me. They weren't smiling. "Think this is amusing scum?", one asked. She looked at the other and nodded her head. The other woman reached down and grabbed me by my hair and held my head up. "This was only playing,", the SS woman offered, "now the real torture begins." "Olga get the rings, it's time to permanently mark her as one of ours." Olga goes over to the table and returned with a small leather box. She opened it and the SS bitch took out a large thick gold ring. It was almost two inches in diameter. The end was open and waiting. "Now I am going to remove those nasty pins that are bisecting your nipples. But first I want to make sure the holes are big enough for your new jewelry." Heddy puts the ring back in the box and takes the ends of the pin that pierces my right nipple in her two hands. She rocks the ends up and down and then uses the ends to pull the pin out so the it no longer rests against the surface of my tit. She twist and pulls to enlarge the hole. When a few drops of blood begin to seep out of both ends of my punctures, I moan and bit my lips to prevent my scream from surfacing. "Oh, God it hurts." She finally pulls the pin out of my tit by the thin end. Just before the end disappears into my flesh Olga hands her the open ring. She places the thin pointed end against the base of the pin and as the pin is pulled out, the ring replaces it. She moves the ring around in my tit until the opening is centered under my nip. She then uses her strong fingers to close it. I hear a snap just before she finishes. "Now it locked. Too bad it's not solid gold, then you could have it cut off. Both of these rings are a special steel that is impossible to cut. I have a special key that someday I might let you use, in the meantime they are on for the rest of your life. The only way to remove them is to either rip or cut your nipples open." As she is speaking, she tugs on the other pin and then replaces it with the other ring which she locks. "Now that you are marked as one of the SS's whore slaves, you may begin servicing us as a slave should." The two women remove me from the horse and force me to stand up by the simple expedient of placing a finger through one of my nipple rings and pulling up. I stand on my toes to try to minimize the pain. "Hold her while I get her plugs.", Heddy orders. While I am standing on my toes Heddy went over to the table a returned with the two electric punishment dildos, this time the wires were plugged into a thick round tube with three buttons on it. When Olga came over, Heddy slacked off on my rings so that I could lower my heels to the floor. Olga handed me the large dildo. "Put this in your mouth and after you've wet it down, stick it up your snatch. From now on you will lick anything you are given to place in your body and of course, lick it clean when you remove it. When you are ordered to. Now get it good and wet and then up your cunt." As she hands it to me Heddy twists on the nipple ring that she still has in her hand. I gasp and take the dildo and start to lick it. Another twist and I jam it into my mouth and slobber all over it until it is slick with my spit. Another twist, I jam it into me until I am filled and can feel it against the back of my cunt. Just the wire that trails out of my pussy shows. Olga hands me the other one. I work it into my mouth until Heddy signals again with a twist on my nipple ring. I open my legs wide and use my other hand to guide it to my ass hole. I pause a moment until Heddy starts again on my nipple ring. I quickly push until it and force its pointed head past my anus and then slid it into me. I use my forefinger to seat it deep inside me. Just the wire trailing out shows. My nipples are almost bursting. I have never felt so hot. I am in heaven. Forced to stuff myself and under the control of two strong bitches. "Get on your knees, whore. Your here to serve us, not to please yourself.", the SS bitch orders as she releases my ring. I kneel and face Heddy. Olga kicks me in my ribs. "Get your legs open. A slave must always be fully exposed. Remember, always keep your legs open, even when you are alone. You now belong to the SS. Now start sucking. Anytime I don't feel you have your heart and soul in to sucking our pussies, I will push one of these buttons. I think the shock will stimulate you. Now start!" I bend and lick the smooth hairless surface of her pussy. I have never sucked a bald snatch. I very nice. I feel a flash of pain and my tongue parts her now slick lips. I touch her clitoris which is erect and peeping from her blood engorged labia. As I suck her clit into my mouth a piece of metal bangs against my upper lip. I pause in amazement. "Haven't you ever sucked a ringed clit before. Well you will from now on. All the SS wantons have ringed clit's as someday you might. Now suck on it and uses your finger inside at the same time." As I draw her clit all the way into my mouth and gently nibble at it with my teeth, I spread her cunt and work my fingers inside her. Her cunt is so soft and slick. I slide my fingers along her slit and find two more rings. Both of her inner labia are also ringed. I play a moment and then slid my finger deep inside her until I can't get any deeper. I suck and work my finger around her now dripping insides until I find her "G" spot. I gently massage it until I get another twinge up my ass and cunt. I press harder until her cunt begins to convulse with her pleasure. She winds her finger in my hair and forces my deep against her. She grinds my head against her until she finishes her orgasms, then flings me away. She then drives her toe between my wide spread legs and into my pussy lips. "Not too bad for a untrained slut, but you will have to do better next time." She hands the control to Olga. Just before a shock devours my insides I notice that there is a series of small holes down both of Heddy's pussy lips. Before I can figure out what the small holes are for, I receive a violent shock to both my ass hole and cunt. "Get over here and suck , whore. You are now the property of the German nation. Your only object in life is to obey and serve to the Father Land. Now get busy!' I get another jolt to my cunt and ass. I crawl on my knees , place both of my hands on her strong, sleek thighs , bend forward and begin to lick her shaved cunt lips to part them so I can get to her goodies. My tongue touches her clit. I lave it with my soft tongue and as it tenses I move closer and begin to draw her stiffing clit into my wet mouth. As I pull it into my mouth another ring rests against my lips. Are all the women in the 'Game' clit ringed. As I visualize of the possibility that my clit may be ringed some day I begin to cream at the image of a small ring at the base of my clit. The more excited I get the harder I suck and lick and Olga's box. Soon my fingers a deep inside her. As the tip of my tongue works on her clit ring, snatch starts to contract and spasm. The more she become fired up the more excited I become the more creative my fingering and sucking becomes. Olga grabs my head and twins her fingers into my hair. Her fingers tighten, pull my hair and than crush my face into her cunt. She crouches slightly until her thighs enclose my head. She squeezes my head until my entire world is centered in between her strong legs. Finally she begins to spasm and I can taste her juices and they begin to flow. She is sweet with a slightly pungent flavor. After she has a strong last orgasm, she pushes me away. As I kneel before her still spread legs, she remarks, "Not too bad, but you'll improve with a little more training. Get your legs apart! Straighten that back! I want to see sweat on your entire body. Strain! Get those tits out and suck in that gut.!" As she finishes speaking she kicks first one side of my open thighs and than forces the tip of her boot into my cunt. She presses until the tip encounters the dildo still filling my cunt. I can feel my lower lips spread and she drives the dildo deep into me. "Now stand up it's time your were fucked, that is doubled fucked. Take those things out your insides. Remember to lick them clean before you hand them to me." I use the wire to ease the rod that was jammed into my cunt out. When three inches protrude past my labia, I use my fingers to pull it out. It is covered with my juices. I hesitate for a moment and then glance at Heddy, a look of anticipation is creeping on to her face. I decide that I will obey. I place the head into my mouth and close my lips. I move it back and forth as if it was a giant lollypop. When the end if done, I withdraw it and pretend it is a cob of corn and run it back and forth in my open lips, turning it as I lick all my juices off. When all my secretions are removed, I hand it to Heddy, then reach behind me as using the wire pull the butt plug out. When it is withdrawn it clean it the same way as the one that was in my cunt. When it is shinney with my spit, I hand it to Heady. I stand waiting as the two women walk over to the table and pick up another pair of dildos, each appears to be a foot and a half in length and natural colored. One is very fat along it entire length, while the other is only fat for half its length. They laugh, then place then on the table. Each of them pick up a wide belt which they buckle about their taut tummies. Three straps dangle from the belt. One from the center and the other two six inches to each side. There is a open ring about nine or ten inches from the belt. The women place the dildos into the ring, fuss with them and make an adjustment I can not see. They place half into their waiting cunt and then pull the straps between their legs and reach behind to secure the ring and the dildos in their pussies. When they are finished it looks as it a man's cock is growing out of their pussies. I have never seen anything like this or even dreamed that it was possible. The sight of two full figured beautiful women with cocks sticking out of their bellies under their full breast is starting to turn me on. I slip a finger between my legs and begin to stroke my clit. My other hand cups my full tit and then caresses my nipple. I pull very gently on my new ringed left nipple. God I feel hot. "Who told you to play with your self, cunt? Get your hand over your head and keep those legs wide open." When I comply, One of the women goes to the wall and lowers a pair of padded manacles on a rope, When they are at the level of my hands, the other secures one and then the other hand. When both manacles are locked the rope is tightened and my arms are stretched over my head until I can just keep my feet on the floor. "Have you ever been fucked?" "Only once during my Senior year. It hurt and I found it very unsatisfying, besides I was beginning to realize that girls turned me on much more then sweaty boy who pawed at my body and then didn't know how to bring me off." "Well tonight, your going to get double fucked. While we use your body, the dildos have a finger that rubs our clits each time we bang into you. If you don't like it, tough shit, your property. Your pleasure is not important, only ours. Now keep those legs wide open." Heddy, who has the thicker dildo protruding from her belly positions herself in front of me. The tip of her man-thing just touching my pussy lips. Olga is in back of me. She places her hands on my lower cheeks and spreads them. I can feel the tip of her pseudo-cock against my ass hole, then it pushes it way just past the ring of muscles that guard my rectum. In the meantime Heddy had clamped the fingers and thumbs of each of her hands on my pussy lips and pulled them wide apart. "Are you ready Olga?" "Yes! I am all set, let's fuck this cunt. We will show her what it means to be under the control of the SS." With that both women drive the dildos deep into my body. My cunt is filled as, is my rectum. Only a thin bit of skin separates the two dildos that are banging in and out of my body. Finally the women settle into a rhythm, both pair of hips going in and out at the same time. Heddy has inserted a forefinger in each of my nipple rings and is pressing the palms of her hands against my passion hardened tits. As she arches her fingers and pulls on my freshly ringed nipples, thrills run through my body. The dildo in front is banging on my clit. By body begins to spasm with my growing excitement. Olga reaches her head around mine as Heddy bends forward. The two French kiss deeply, while I am fucked. The two keep it up, Olga places her hands on around my waist and pulls me closer until her rock hard nipples and massive breast are grinding. into my back Then her hands snake down my belly, rubbing it in a circular motion until she finds my clit. Both her fingers work it until all three of us cum and then cum again. When the two finish I am hanging from my wrists, unable to stand. I have had the most satisfying sex of my life. have been used as I have always dreamed of being used. When the women finally withdraw and lower me I slump at their feet a well fucked and satisfied slut. When I finally recovered my breath, I was told to rise, place my hands behind my head spread my legs and to suck in my stomach. I stood their and waited. Heddy walked over to me, she had a wide thin light brown belt in her hands a single narrow belt dangled from its center. While she held it up against my concave stomach, Olga walked around my back and pulled until it was snug, then gave another tug and locked it in place. The thin strap dangled down the center of my belly. The belt was a least two inches too small. Heddy pulled on the hanging strap and pushed it between my legs. I felt Olga force a butt plug into my well opened rectum. Heddy separated my cunt lips and fixed the strap until it was enclosed by my plump labia and pressing on my clitoris. I could feel Olga threading the strap through the ring on the end of the butt plug. She yanked up and the strap bit into my cunt and forced the butt plug deeper into my ass. "Tonight, when you go home, you will bathe your nipple ring with this solution. Turn them in their holes every morning and night for the next few days until your holes heal. It's important that you get some of the liquid into the holes as it promotes healing. As they heal you may pull on them to stretch the holes so that the rings will swing freely and become more comfortable. Tomorrow, when you go to work, you will wear a bra. Put a small wad of cotton at the end of the cups and the rings won't show. The cotton will also provide a little padding while the rings heal. Here is the key to remove the belt, you may remove it twice a day to empty yourself. Hang it around your neck by this thong. You will take a enema each morning before plugging yourself and each night before going to bed or before you go out to play the Game. Then replace the plug and re-lock the belt. Use the lock in the front of the belt. You will wear the thong and key at all times. Now, hold out your left wrist." I hold out my wrist at waist hight and Olga slips a flat black bracelet about my wrist. She then fits another piece of black metal in the opening and holds it their while Heddy uses a very odd tipped screwdriver to tighten four screws into it. "There, now your marked as a novice. It requires a specially formed screwdriver to removes those screws. All the Game players have one, but in various colors to mark their rank. If you want to continue you may call the number tomorrow night. But you may only select from the first six choices and may not select this one again until you have complected all the selections. When the voice calls you back, identify yourself as 'Black Novice'." Do you understand? Do you have any questions?" "What if I have to go to the bathroom during the day?" "Shit, I just told you, Once in the morning and once at night. You will be watched and if you disobey we will take your key away." As Heddy finishes speaking, she slams her fist into my gut. "Now get dressed and get out of here, cunt." I quickly dress and leave. After I walk a few blocks, I find a cab and take it home. After I enter my apartment, I quickly strip and stand in front of my mirror. My normally slim waist is drawn in tightly by the belt about my tummy until I am wasp waisted. The ring in each of my nipples glint in the light. My nipples are rock hard. The strap bisecting my cunt disappears between my swollen labia. I look sexy and completely wanton. I run into the bath room, take the key from around neck and unlock the strap front of the waist cincture. When the strap is free, I pull the plug out of my ass. I auto automatically lick it clean without even thing about it. My conditioning has started, though I am not aware of it. Permanent changes will be made in both my body and behavior. I use my douche to give myself an enema. After I have voided myself, I take a shower and wash of the dried sweat and blood. When I wash my tits, I touch my new rings. Even though they are still painful, my tugging on them arouse me until I use my brush handle to work my pussy until I have a series of orgasms. Finally I step out of the shower and replace both my butt plus and cinch strap. Lock the strap and go to bed. I dream all night of naked women abusing me and then fucking me with their fingers and dildos while I lick their shaved snatches. The next morning, I search and finally find a bra. After I finish the bathroom and have secured my cinch strap, I dress and go to the office. I can't wait for the night. About Three, I am told to report to the boss. As I wait outside her office her secretary smiles knowing at me, then tells my to go inside." "Karren, I see by the band on your wrist that you used the card that I gave you." I blush, "Yes, Mam." "Good, lift your skirt, I want to inspect you." "Mam!" She holds out her wrist. A gold bracelet identical to mine encircles her wrist. "Any body not wearing black may order you at any time. Now lift that skirt!" I quickly lift my mini skirt and pull it up until I am exposed from the waist down. She forces a finger between my waist and the belt, then pulls on the strap that goes into my pussy and between my legs. "Good their both tight enough. Have you removed them since this morning?" "No, Mam." "Good! Now lower your skirt and open your blouse, I want to see your rings." I unbutton my white cotton blouse, reach behind me and unsnap my bra. I slip both the blouse and bra off and put them on the chair in front of her desk. She looks at my rings, tugs gently on each one, then weighs each of my large beasts in her hands. I moan as she strokes me. "Very nice. They did a good job. The rings are straight and well centered. The size is perfect for you. They show off very nicely against your large aureola. All right, dress. I don't have time to play with you now, maybe later. Be sure to eat early and call before seven tonight. I suggest that you try the Inquisition tonight." I smiled as I though of what happened next all those years ago, while I reach into the bodice of my dress and gently tug at my nipple rings. that I have not removed since that night so many years ago.